A Letter to My ‘Buggy’ on the Eve of Her 3rd Birthday

Monday, March 24, 2014

To My Sweet Madison Grace,

Tomorrow you will be 3 years old! People tell you that time flies by but until you have kids you don't understand it. You look at people like they are crazy and I rolled my eyes when they tell you, "Don't blink. They'll be grown before you know it." But those silly people are right.

People also like to tell you how each age is the hardest. The sleepless nights of newborns, the terrible twos, the teenage years, and on and on. Truth be told, we all have bad moments of each of our years.

Your twos were a walk in the park. Of course we had our difficult moments. You had meltdowns, I had meltdowns, you have a very strong personality and I would never want that to change….

But honestly, this was my favorite yet. That's why I have had tears in my eyes watching you sleep tonight.

Your twos were when I learned a heck of a lot about me. Things that I need to change in order to be the mommy you deserve. Ways I need to show you how strong and brave and beautiful you are.

Your twos were crazy busy for you! You grew in leaps and bounds in so many areas - your vocabulary, your tactile skills, your climbing abilities, your LACK of fear. Sometimes it is hard to remember you are just 2.

As you fell asleep tonight, I had to fight back tears I just wanted to hold that moment and make time stop, at least for a little bit.

I don’t want to forget how you love to twirl around when music plays, how you always reassure me when you get up on the back of the couch and inform me that there is no reason to worry because you have wings and you can fly (HAHA), you are never afraid to say “No!”, I want to keep you pocket size forever so I can always hold you. I don't want to forget the light little snore you have when you sleep or how your cheeks get rosy when you are tired.

When we wake up tomorrow, it will be your Third birthday. The day your daddy and I first got to hold you. Even though you had been with us for almost 10 months in my belly, that was the day we finally got to meet the second love of our lives on the outside. I was scheduled to be induced with you on Monday but you were ready to come on your own the Friday before. I hope you continue to always have that same drive.

Tomorrow morning we will be going to breakfast with Grandma. It’s a little tradition we started when I was pregnant with Carson. We have a fun very Princess inspired birthday weekend planned.

I know you won't read this letter anytime soon but I wanted to remember these things. And I wanted to tell you a few more things. So here goes:

No matter how old you are, you will always be our sweet BABY girl. (you love to tell us you aren’t a baby and that you are a girl!)
No matter what you do, I will always love you.
I am so incredibly proud to be your mama just because you are you.
You can be ANYTHING you want to be, just please please please get a great education.
You are amazing in so many ways.
You have a laugh that is contagious and so beyond sweet.
You have the most beautiful big baby blue eyes ever.(you get those from Grandpa)
You have an amazing personality that is so perfectly you.
You are incredibly talented in so many ways - coloring, hugs, kisses, running, climbing, dancing.
You never, ever have to do anything to earn my love or your daddy's. We love you because you are you. Our love for you is always there. Even when you do something wrong and you get in trouble - we still love you. That never changes.

My wish for you, my sweet birthday girl, as you turn 3 years old, is that you will keep being our “buggy” Madison Grace. That you will keep dressing up like a princess while playing with one of Carson’s bulldozers or trucks. Keep fixing boo-boos and giving check-ups just like Doc McStuffins. The characters can change to whoever you would like them to be, just don't stop pretending. Keep telling your wonderful creative stories you make up. Keep laughing and smiling. Always believe you are beautiful because you are! Just keep being you! There is no one else you should ever be besides yourself! And always know you are loved!

I love you to infinity and beyond sweet girl!

Love always and forever,

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